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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Federer's Match

yesterday we took our fishing rods, and a few
nets and went fishing, just like any other day.
nobody could have predicted we would come up
with a whale in the net in the end of the day.
no body could have predicted the size.

but the thing is, every body, here during
the live trade and at home alone. in other
countries like Sweden Germany Pakistan Poland.
all of those TD graduate traders did the same
thing they remembered what they learnt.

you must admit we were lucky to be in the right
place at the right time. because we could have
been out or busy with another match. but once we
were there, every body knew exactly what to do.

the stakes were the same, the moves were the same
really nothing unusual just like any other day. it was
just one of those times when the market rewards you
generously for placing your nets every day.
it was a time to catch a big whale.

and that's why we head to the shore day after day.

thank you every body it's good to hear from you.
take it easy and have a nice trading day.

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